Tuesday, February 1, 2011

7 Olahraga Terbaik untuk Tetap Langsing


Bukan hanya lari di treadmill selama 45 menit sehari atau berenang ratusan meter sehari untuk mendapatkan tubuh langsing. Juga bukan lari berkilo-kilometer sehari.

Latihan terbaik untuk mendapatkan tubuh langsing adalah:
- Sesuatu yang Anda sukai. Aktivitas yang disukai membuat Anda melakukannya terus-menerus.
- Sesuatu yang bisa Anda lakukan selama 30-60 menit sehari.
- Sesuatu yang dapat membuat Anda berkeringat.

Apa sajakah itu yang membuat anda langsing? Pilih salah satu yang Anda sukai.
1. Bermain golf 18 hole
Syaratnya: tanpa golf cart.

2. Bermain bersama anak
Luangkan waktu satu jam sehari untuk bermain bersama anak. Dijamin Anda akan menikmatinya. Manfaatnya, tak hanya Anda yang langsing, anak juga terhindar dari kegemukan. Ajak anak berenang, bermain kucing-kucingan, atau permainan apa saja yang dapat membuat mereka berkeringat.

3. Berkebun atau membersihkan rumah
Manfaat ganda bisa Anda peroleh. Rumah jadi indah dan tubuh Anda sehat. Jadi, sekali-sekali liburkan pembantu dan Anda yang mencuci, menyapu, serta menyeterika sendiri.

4. Naik sepeda
Butuh pergi ke minimarket dekat rumah? Jangan naik mobil, keluarkan saja sepeda. Jika lalu lintas di sekitar rumah tak terlalu ramah, naiklah sepeda statis di rumah sambil nonton televisi.

5. Jalan-jalan
Lakukan jalan-jalan di seputar rumah sebelum makan pagi. Ketika di kantor, jalan-jalanlah dulu selama 15 menit sebelum makan siang. Demikian juga ketika makan malam.

6. Menari
Ambil les menari Bali atau tarian yang dinamis. Bisa juga ambil les dansa.

7. Dengarkan musik favorit
Lakukan aktivitas olah tubuh sambil mendengarkan musik favorit. Ini akan membuat Anda betah melakukannya secara rutin. @diy


Monday, January 31, 2011

Stretegi Mengoptimalkan Bisnis Elektronik

Usaha - Maraknya permintaan masyarakat akan barang – barang elektronik, menyebabkan Usaha elektronik saat ini banyak ditemukan di berbagai tempat. Dari mulai usaha pembuatan barang elektronik, toko elektronik, usaha jasa reparasi barang elektronik, sampai Usaha kredit elektronik banyak ditemukan di sekitar kita. Banyaknya usaha elektronik yg bermunculan saat ini, karena kebutuhan masyarakat akan barang elektronik juga semakin meningkat.

Usaha - Karena barang elektronik sekarang bukan lagi menjadi barang mewah, hampir setiap rumah sudah memiliki barang elektronik. Baik masyarakat menengah ke atas, maupun masyarakat menengah sudah menggunakan barang elektronik untuk memudahkan pekerjaan mereka.

Informsi Usaha
Usaha - Untuk memulai Usaha ini sebelumnya siapkan lokasi usaha yg strategis, usahakan pilih lokasi yg berada di pusat keramaian. Setelah lokasi usaha terpenuhi, selanjutnya cari informasi distributor barang elektronik yg dapat menyuplai produk elektronik dgn harga miring. Misalnya dgn bekerja sama dgn toko grosir elektronik yg ada di Glodok atau mangga dua. Untuk produk – produk elektronik yg saat ini beredar di pasaran antara lain merek Sony, Panasonic, Sharp, LG, Toshiba, dll.

Prospek Usaha
Usaha - Usaha elektronik memiliki prospek Usaha yg sangat cerah, karena saat ini perkembangan teknologi sangat pesat. Dan masyarakat pun memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi tersebut untuk mempermudah pekerjaan mereka, salah satunya dgn menggunakan produk – produk elektronik. Tingginya minat dan daya beli konsumen akan barang elektronik, memberikan keuntungan tersendiri bagi para pelaku Usaha elektronik.

Kekurangan Usaha
Usaha - Kendala dalam menjalankan Usaha ini adalah kurangnya modal untuk mengembangkan usaha. Karena untuk membuka Usaha elektronik, membutuhkan modal usaha yg tidak sedikit dan ketatnya persaingan dalam bisnis ini. Kendala yg lainnya yaitu harga barang elektronik yg sering naik turun, seiring dgn naik turunnya nilai rupiah.

Stretegi Bisnis
Usaha - Strategi pemasaran yg dapat dijalankan Usaha elektronik adalah dgn membagikan brosur maupun pamflet di kota Anda dan sekitarnya. Selain itu Anda juga bisa memasang iklan di berbagai media, seperti media cetak, media elektronik, maupun memasang papan iklan di berbagai lokasi strategis yg ada di kota Anda. Sehingga masyarakat mengetahui informasi mengenai keberadaan Usaha Anda.

Bila perlu berikan bonus dan potongan harga untuk pembelian produk tertentu. Sehingga konsumen tertarik untuk membeli produk elektronik pada Anda. Disamping pemasaran secara offline, Usaha elektronik juga bisa dipasarkan melalui media online. Sehingga jangkauan pasar Usaha Anda semakin luas.

Kunci sukses
Usaha - Kunci kesuksesan Usaha elektronik yaitu jeli melihat pasar dan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi saat ini. Dgn menyediakan produk elektronik yg up to date, sehingga konsumen dapat menemukan produk baru yg ingin mereka cari. Disamping itu berikan harga yg bersaing dgn Usaha lain yg bergerak dibidang yg sama, sehingga loyalitas konsumen semakin tinggi.

Sumber: bisnisukm.com

Temukan Info Lain Seputar Usaha

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Korean Public Holiday in 2011

Korea 2010 Public Holiday

Year 2011 has coming, and every country has it own holiday date and day. Korea as a major tourist visited country has its official holiday also. The holiday date is important for those who want to travel and doing some business in Korea. While holiday, the tourist sites of course will be more crowded as well as the fares will be counted as high season fare.

For businessmen, several company and office will close during holiday. SO we must study their holiday very well before planning to visit Korea.

The most important holiday must be Seolnal, or Lunar New Year. It it the same date with Chinese new year (Both country actually use a lunar orbit to count their day). Many people only know only China and other Chinese country such as Singapore, and Malaysia, who celebrate Lunar New Year. But actually Korea and Japan also celebrate it.

For 2011 year, here are Official Korean Holidays :

1 Jan 2011 : New year’s day (Sin-jeong)
New Year's Day is the first day of the year. On the modern Gregorian calendar, it is celebrated on January 1.

2 Feb ~4 Feb 2011 : Seolnal (Lunar New Year)
Also called "Seol" or "Gujeong". The first day of the lunar Korean calendar. It is the most important of the traditional Korean holidays, and is considered a more important holiday than the solar New Year's Day.

1 Mar 2011 : Independence Movement day (Sam-il-jeol)
Independence(Declaration) Day This day commemorates the March 1st Movement in 1919. On March 1 of this year, the Korean people declared their nation's independence from Japan. It was a catalyst for the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea(April 13, 1919).

5 May 2011 : Childrens’day Children's Day
(Eo-rin-i-nal) The day on which to esteem the personalities of children and plan for their happiness. In Korea, Children's Day started on May 1, 1922, when 8 persons including Bang Jeong-hwan declared the Day and held an anniversary. In 1946, the Day changed to May 5, and became a public holiday in 1975.

10 May 2011 : Buddha’s Birthday (Seok-ga-tan-sin-il)
Also called "Bucheonnim Osinnal (부처님 오신 날)" or "Sawol Chopail (사월 초파일,四月初八日). The birthday of the Gautama Buddha. In South Korea, Buddhism is the one of two major religions, with Christianity.

6 Jun 2011 : Memorial day (Hyeon-chung-il)
The day commemorates men and women who died while in military service or the independence movement. It originated from the traditional customs of Mangzhong, one of the 24 solar terms. On this day, national commemorating ceremony is held in National Cemetery.

15 Aug 2011 : Liberation Day (Gwang-bok-jeol)
The day celebrates national liberation from Japan in 1945. On this day, Emperor Shōwa announced surrender and World War II ended. On the same day in 1948, the government of the Republic of Korea was established. The word "Gwangbok" means "restoration of light".

11 Sep ~ 13 Sep 2011 : Chuseok (Chu-seok)
Mid-Autumn Festival Also called "Han-gawi (한가위)". Korean traditional Harvest Festival. With Seollal, it is one of the most important Korean traditional holidays. As a celebration of the good harvest, Koreans visit their ancestral hometowns and share a feast of Korean traditional food.

3 OCt 2011 : National Foundation day (Gae-cheon-jeol)
The day celebrates the foundation of Gojoseon, the first state of Korean nation. According to Samguk Yusa, Dangun founded Gojoseon on the 3rd day of 10th lunar month, 2333 BCE. Today, South Koreans celebrate their national foundation on October 3 in solar calendar, for convenience's sake. "Gaecheonjeol" means "Heaven-opened Day".

25 Dec 2011 : Christmas (Seong-tan-jeol)
Christmas is commonly called "Seongtanjeol (성탄절,聖誕節)" in Korean(especially among Christians), but the official Korean name fixed by law is "Gidoktansinil"2. In South Korea, Christianity is the one of two major religions, with Buddhism.

Watch Korean people celebrate Lunar New Year 2010 (or Seollal) Video here

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kate Gosselin Hair Pictures

Kate Gosselin Hair Pictures

People all over the globe have been searching the web for new Kate Gosselin hair pictures.  Everyone's familiar with her original spiky mess of a hair do from her "Jon and Kate Plus 8" days, but her new hairstyles are the one garnering all the interest on the internet. In the middle of January, she was featured on the cover of People magazine with a longer hair look than she's ever been seen with before as a public figure.  After news of the cover shoot got out, google searches for Kate Gosselin hair pictures skyrocketed as everyone was interested to see what she looked like without wearing a porcupine as a hat.  In March, Kate was seen with another, slightly shorter hairdo and searches for Kate Gosselin hair pictures increased once again.  There may be no one person in the world who has more people interested in pictures of their hair right now than Kate Gosselin.

Shannon Koszyk Ring in LA Times

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kirk Albert

Love this store/showroom, so amazing.  I have seen a ton of stores and showrooms over the years, Kirk has the most amazing eye and is always several steps ahead of what is coming next.  So happy his store/showroom is in my neck off the woods.  Everything is retro-fitted by Kirk, everything is antique, no exceptions.  It's a gallery of furnishings, accessories and art!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

G-Dragon and TOP in Christian Louboutin Shoes

Big Bang is a South Korean Boy Band. The group members are more than just a singer, but also very eccentric in fashion. The famous member : G-Dragon and T.O.P, really cares about their appearances every times they showed up.

As a rapper, G-Dragon and T.O.P (Or called GTOP) is also recognized for their fashion sense. They have been seen wearing Christian Louboutin shoes for many times in their appearances. I don't know why they love Christian Louboutin shoes very much. But the unique style of their shoes are the spikes around the shoes.

Big Bang’s G-Dragon and T.O.P, the double combo artiste, were seen at John Galliano’s party in Seoul. The fashionable duo were all dressed fabulously in brands such as Christian Louboutin, Ray-Ban, Linda Farrow, Ambush and more.

G Dragon TOP Christian Louboutin
Big Bang G Dragon and T.O.P Christian Louboutin at John Galliano’s party in Seoul.

G Dragon Christian Louboutin
G Dragon Christian Louboutin at John Galliano’s party in Seoul.

Harry Potter Styled Glasses Ray Bans
Harry Potter Styled Glasses Ray Bans

POW Necklace Ambush
POW Necklace Ambush

Rantus Orlato Mens Flat Christian Louboutin
Rantus Orlato Mens Flat Christian Louboutin

TOP Christian Louboutin
T.O.P Christian Louboutin at John Galliano’s party in Seoul.

Linda Farrow Luxe 26 C3 Linda Farrow
Linda Farrow Luxe 26 C3 Linda Farrow

Rollerboy Spikes Christian Louboutin
Rollerboy Spikes Christian Louboutin

G Dragon Christian Louboutin
G Dragon wears  Christian Louboutin spotted at Florida Concert,May 22,2010

G Dragon Christian Louboutin
G Dragon wears Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin Mens Footwear Springsummer 2010 Black
Christian Louboutin Mens Footwear Springsummer 2010 Black

Who is Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin is a footwear designer who launched his line of high-end women's shoes in France in 1991. Since 1992, his designs have incorporated the shiny, red-lacquered soles that have become his signature.
Christian Louboutin
Christian Louboutin

Watch Video on Christian Louboutin Shoes